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How to turn your outrage into action
Welcome to the Activist Academy (8:17)
Activist motivation
What is your motivation?
The motivation of Harvey Milk (2:03)
The motivation of Greta Thunberg (2:53)
The motivation of Alicia Garza and Opal Tometi (2:48)
The motivation of Roger Hallam (4:47)
The motivation of Carola Rackete (4:27)
What is activism?
Theory on activism
What kind of activist are you? Do the self-test
The 4 roles of activists (9:27)
Quiz: Dutch cleaners' strike for respect
Quiz: Ende Gelände stopping open pit coal mining in Germany
Quiz: Women on strike in Poland to protect abortion rights
Quiz: Friends of the Earth forcing European companies to respect human rights
Get Inspired and get active
Activism can take many forms
198 methods to take action from Gene Sharp (8:35)
So you are an activist now. What's next?
Congratulations, you finished your first course (0:30)
And now?
Any feedback?
Quiz: Dutch cleaners' strike for respect
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